Book Kristen Gibbons Feden: World Class Speaker

Book a World Class Speaker

Kristen Gibbons Feden: Speaking Engagements and Testimonials

Powerful Speaking Topics

Fighting to be Fearless: How Women & Marginalized Communities Must Recognize & Defeat the Credibility Gap

Kristen Gibbons Feden takes on the credibility gap head-on in this powerful presentation. She explores how gender and racial differences impact credibility in schools, workplaces, and institutions.

Drawing from her personal and professional experiences, Kristen unveils the unconscious biases that disproportionately affect women and people of color in professional settings. Motivational strategies and effective solutions pave the way for overcoming the credibility gap.

Audience members will leave empowered with practical tools to be viewed as effective and competent professionals, while also learning how to create pathways for others.

The Role of Culture & Credibility in Oppression & Rape

In this thought-provoking talk, Kristen draws striking parallels between workplace discrimination and the acceptance of "rape myths" in the legal sphere. She uncovers how historical institutions reinforce minority suppression.

Kristen examines how white-male power structures have shaped a culture that diminishes minorities and creates barriers to opportunity and justice. She challenges the notion of "meritorious" measurements in society and how they often perpetuate inequality and injustice.

Audiences will gain insights into how seemingly merit-based systems often perpetuate inequality and injustice, and learn how to recognize and combat these structures.

Bringing William H. Cosby to Justice: The First Conviction in the #MeToo Era

As one of the lead prosecutors in the landmark Commonwealth v. Cosby trials, Kristen offers a unique insider's perspective on this pivotal case. She dives into the nuts and bolts of a high-profile trial by breaking down the legal strategies and challenges faced during what many describe as the first major trial of the #MeToo era.

She explores the broader societal and cultural impacts of the case, providing valuable insights into how this case shaped public discourse on sexual assault and accountability and its lasting implications for the justice system.

What People Are Saying

Kristen is a dynamic and compelling speaker and lawyer who engages audiences and jurors alike with authenticity and skill.

— Attorney Attendee

Kristen Feden is a powerful voice for advocacy and human rights!

— James Jolly, Statewide Training Coordinator of FL Network of Children's Advocacy Centers

Kristen is an inspiring, insightful, and trusted expert. She is an advocate for justice moving those who hear her speak to action!

— Jennifer Long, Chief Executive Officer of Aequitas