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Kristen Gibbons Feden, A leading litigator of the #metoo movement, is investigating systemic abuse at edna mahan.

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Abuse at Edna Mahan

While the abuse at New Jersey’s Edna Mahan Correctional Facility received mainstream attention after the events on January 11, 2021, those who are familiar with the treatment of the women in the facility, know that the abuse has been ongoing for years. If you or someone you love has been subjected to abuse at Edna Mehan or any institution, contact Kristen Gibbons Feden now. Keep reading to learn more about the abuse at Edna Mahan and what your rights are.

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What do we know?

According to the New Jersey Attorney General’s Office, on the night of January 11, correctional officers conducted cell extractions of inmates in the Restorative Housing Unit at the Edna Mahan facility. In the course of this, inmates were pepper-sprayed and struck, punched, kicked and as a result Rollins and others received serious injuries. According to reports, at least three women were injured that night, with two requiring outside medical treatment.

Following that night, the prison’s top administrator, 22 correctional officers and nine supervisors have been suspended, the State Assembly announced hearings into “widespread abuse and use of force,” and Governor Murphy has announced that the facility is going to be closed.

But this was not the beginning! The widespread abuse at Edna Mahan was well known and allowed to flourish by a “culture of acceptance.” An April report by the Justice Department found that inmates were regularly assaulted by guards, at times, forced to engage in sex acts with other prisoners while staff members looked on.


While the facility may be closed and criminal action may be taken, what about making the victims of this abuse whole? What are your rights? How long do you have to file a lawsuit?

Know your rights

It all begins with a conversation with an experienced civil rights and sexual abuse lawyer. You don’t give up all of your constitutional rights simply because you’re in prison.

inmates have constitutional rights under federal law.

  • The Eighth Amendment protects you from cruel and unusual punishment

  • The Fourth Amendment protects you against unreasonable searches or seizures.

  • The Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments guarantees you due process under the law

  • The Fourteenth Amendment guarantees you equal protection under the law.

Many of these rights were being regularly violated and if you suffered as a result, you may be due compensation for your harm. If you’re worried that the statute of limitations may have run out on your claim, you can look up the New Jersey Statute of Limitations here or contact Kristen now to find out if you have a viable claim.

If you or someone you love was a victim of abuse at edna mahan correctional facility, contact kristen today.